Autor | Titel | Verleger Edition (Editor) Jahr Ort Bemerkungen |
Accidents Thérapeutiques en Dermatologie | Masson et Cie (Jacques Charpy ) 1955 Paris |
A Cypher Repertory, Vol I et al | Hahnemann Publishing Society 1878 Liverpool |
Administration of the Remedy (No. 8) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
Anweisung zur homöopathischen Heilung des Rheumatismus | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1912 Leipzig |
A Special Number in Trubute to and Appreciation of James William Ward, 75 years |
1936 California Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift: The Laboratory of the Homoeopathic Foundation of California, Vol III, March 1936, No. 3 |
auriculothérapie; acupuncture; médecine manuelle; homoeopathie | maisonneuve Moulins-lès-Metz Kurs- und Bücherverzeichnis |
Bibliothèque Homoeopathique | J. - B. Baillière et fils (Publiée par la Société Hahnemannienne Föderative ) Paris |
Bibliothèque Homoeopathique (Tome troisième) | Baillière et Fils 1870 Paris |
Bibliothèque Homoéopathique (Tome 1, 1868) | J. - B. Baillière et fils 1868 Paris |
Certain Body Reflexes in their Relation to certain Radiant Energies | International Hahnemannian Association 1926 Derby, Connecticut presented at the Annual Meeting of the I.H.A., Philadelphia, July 1926 |
Che cosa e l'omiopatia (N.1.) |
) Serie di opuscoli omiopatici |
Chromico-Kali-Sulphuricum dans les affections des fosses nasales et la fièvre des foins | A. Vandeweghe 1911 Gand |
Comment devenir Médecin Homoepathe | Imprimerie du Palais (Association Philanthropique pour le développement de l'Homoeopathie Française ) Paris |
Compte-Rendu du Procès de Mme Hahnemann | Baillière et fils 1847 Paris |
Consumtion treated Homoeopathically | William Radde 1847 New York from the German by A. C. Becker, Vorwort Rückert |
Dialogo entre un recalcitrante y un adepto (Continuacion) |
1926 Motril |
Dreck-Apotheke, neu vermehrte, heylsame | Carl Georgi Neudruck, Erstauflage 1714 Berlin |
Dr. Skinner's Grand Characteristics of the Materia Medica | Homoeopathic Publishing Company (collected, arranged and repertorised by J. H. Clarke ) 1931 London |
Dr. Willmar Schwabes Homöopathischer Kalernder 1926 | Dr. Willmar Schwabe Leipzig |
Effects of the Remedy - Homoeopathic Aggravation (No. 9) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
Effemeridi di Medicina Omiopatica |
1830 Napoli |
Ein Leben im Dienste der Homöoathie |
1939 Gedenkschrift zum 100. Geburtstag des Gründers der Firma Dr. Willmar Schwabe |
Encyclopädisches Real-Lexicon der gesammten theroretischen und praktischen Homöopathie (Zweiter Band) | Ludwig Schumann (Verein mehrerer Homöopathiker ) 1836 Leipzig Caa - ataja - Fusssole |
Encyclopädisches Real-Lexicon der gesammten theroretischen und praktischen Homöopathie (Dritter Band) | Ludwig Schumann (Verein mehrerer Homöopathiker ) 1837 Leipzig Gadus - Myxa |
Encyclopädisches Real-Lexicon der gesammten theroretischen und praktischen Homöopathie (Vierter Band) | Ludwig Schumann (Verein mehrerer Homöopathiker ) 1837 Leipzig Naevi materni - Ruyschiana |
Encyclopädisches Real-Lexicon der gesammten theroretischen und praktischen Homöopathie (Fünfter Band) | Ludwig Schumann (Verein mehrerer Homöopathiker ) 1838 Leipzig Saamouna - Zwitter |
Encyclopädisches Real-Lexicon der gesammten theroretischen und praktischen Homöopathie (Erster Band) | Ludwig Schumann (Verein mehrerer Homöopathiker ) 1835 Leipzig Aal - Buxus |
Essai de Synthèse du Composé humain | Société Belge de Librairie 1890 Bruxelles |
Essais des Teintres-Mères Homéopathiques |
Evidenza della verita omipatica (N.2.) |
Serie di opuscoli omiopatici |
General Analysis |
second edition Vorwort Boger, 1925 |
General Analysis |
Hamamelis, un excellent médicament américain | Dr. Willmar Schwabe Leibzig |
Handbook on First-Aid Homoeopathy | The British Homoeopathic Association London |
Homeopatija ili najbrze, najugodnjje i najjeftinije lijecenje |
Homoeopathic Documents; Declaration of the German Central Homoeopathic Congress | Thomas Hurst London translated and annotated by W. Broackes |
Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Provings (No. 3) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
Homoéopathie en Art Dentaire; Abrégé de Thérapeutique | Les Laboratoires Homoeopathiques de France 1951 Paris La Documantation Homoeopathique |
Homoeopathy |
Broschüre |
Homoeopathy in 1851 | James Hogg (J. Rutherfurd Russell ) Edinburg |
Homöopathie (VIII.Teil; Seite 457 bis 531) |
Homöopathischer Kalender 1928 | Dr. Willmar Schwabe Leipzig |
Homöopathischer Taschenkalender 1930 | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1930 Leipzig |
Initiation à l'Homoeopathie | Doin; Deren & Cie (Centre Homoeopathique de France ) Paris |
Journal de Médecine Homoeopathique (Tome III) | J. B. Baillière (La Société Hahnemannienne ) 1847 Paris |
Kali iodatum; Kali muriaticum |
Einzelblatt, 2 x gefaltet |
Kreuzschmerzen, ihre Deutung und ihre Behandlung (Heft 2) | Verlag der "Hahnemannia" (hrsg. Meng ) 1925 Stuttgart Cornelius, Egloff, Kern, Stemmer, Stiegele |
Kurze Anleitung für die Hauspraxis mit homöoathischen Heilmitteln |
Apthokeninhaber: J. Sonntag |
Kurze Wegleitung zum Gebrauch homöopath. Heilmittel | Homöopathische Zentral-Offizin 1919 Basel |
La piccola dose in Omiopatia (N.3.) |
Serie di opuscoli omiopatici |
Le Docteur Chatron, Médecin Homoeopathe | Office de la Presse catholique 1883 Paris |
Lehrbuch der Homöopathischen Therapie (Erster Band) | Dr. Willmar Schwabe achte, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage 1915 Leipzig |
Lehrbuch der Homöopathischen Therapie (Zweiter Band) | Dr. Willmar Schwabe achte, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage 1917 Leipzig |
Leitfaden für die homöopathische Praxis | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 2. verbesserte Auflage, 2. Nachdruck Karlsruhe |
L'Homoeopathie |
(Ligue Nationale pour la diffusion de l'Homoepathie en France
) 1933 Paris |
L'Homoeopathie | éditions Médicales 1925 Paris |
Materia Medica; physiological and applied (Vol I) | Trübner and Co. 1884 London |
New, Old and Forgotten Remedies, papers by many Writers | Boericke & Tafel second edition (collected, arranged and edited ba Anshutz, E. P. ) 1917 Philadelphia |
Notre Ouvrage au Service de l'Homeopathie | Willmar Schwabe Leipzig a l'occasion du Congrès de la LHI à Berlin 1937 |
Opinion de M. le Sénateur Dumas sur l'Homoeopathie | Ch. Lahure 1865 Paris |
Pathogénésie des Médicaments; Journal de la Médecine Homoeopathique | J. - B. Baillière (Publiè par la Socieété Hahnemannienne de Paris ) Paris |
Pathogénésies Nouvelles, Matière Médicale Pure | J. - B. Baillière et fils (Ouvrage publié dans le Journal de la Société Hahnemannienne Fédérative ) Paris |
Pathogénésie Symptomatique de la Bibliothèque Homoeopathique (seconde série. Tome premier) | Abraham Cherbuliez et Cie 1839 Genève |
Pathogénésie Symptomatique de la Bibliothèque Homoeopathique (seconde série. Tome deuxième) | Abraham Cherbuliez et Cie 1841 Genève |
Petasites - die Pestwurz | Homoeopathische Central-Officin 1959 Basel Hausmitteilungen Nr. 51 |
Phytolacca decandra | Dr. Wagner & Dr. Haas 1946 Basel Hausmitteilungen der Homoeopathischen Central-Offizin |
Pregnancy |
Preliminary report of provings with Cadmium Metallicum |
(International Homoeopathic Research Trust
) |
Proving of Cactus |
Proving of Hyosc. |
Qu'est-ce que l?Homoeopathie? |
1920 Lyon |
Répertoire de Symptômes | Blass 1931 Madrid |
Repetition (No. 10) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
Safety in Cholera Times. Homoeopthic Treatment | Boericke & Tafel Philadelphia |
Selection of the Remedy (No. 6) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
Seven-Hundred Red Line Symptoms from Cowperthwaite's Materia Medica | Ehrhart & Karl 1924 Chicago, Illinois written by Class of 1897 of Chcago Homoepathic Medical College,rewritten by J. W. Hutchison |
Sharp's Tracts on Homoeopathy | Boericke & Tafel fourteenth thousand 1894 Philadelphia |
Silver Jubilee Souvenir | Bahola 1964 Kumbakonam |
Similia Similibus Curentur |
1923 Mexico |
Specielles Repertorium der Symptome bei den Zahnkrankheiten | Friedrich August Eupel hrsg. Carl Mohr 1851 Sonderhausen |
Statuten des Vereins für praktische Medicin |
mit Stempel von Erich Haehl |
Sto treba lijecnik da znade o bolesniku, da ga moze uspjesno lijeciti |
Symptoms (No. 4) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
Taking the Case (No. 5) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
The Doctrines of Hahnemann (No. 12) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
The Hahnemann Materia Medica (Part I) | H. Baillière 1852 London |
The Homoeopathic Treatment of the "Incurable" Diseases of Beast and Fowl | Boericke & Tafel 1892 Philadelphia |
The Laboratories of the Bayd Medical Research Trust | Pickering & Inglis Glasgow |
The Pneumonic Lung |
The Proving of Medicines | Headley Brothers London reprinted from Homoeopathy, April 1932 |
The Repertory (No. 7) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
The Universal Homoeopathic Annual of 1894 | Ed. Crété (Cartier François ) 1895 Corbeil |
Vital Reaction: Vital Stimulation: Sensitivity (No. 2) |
(British Homoeopathic Association
) Post-Graduate Correspondence Course in Homoeopathy |
Critique de l'Homoeopathie et de l'Allopathie | Baillière 1843 Paris |
Adams, E. O. | Diseases of the Digestive System | The Cleveland Homoeopathicv Publishing Co. 1910 Cleveland |
Adams, H. Myron | Practical guide to homeopathic Treatment | Boericke & Tafel 1913 Philadelphia |
Adlakha K. C. | Healing Arts | The Movies Press 1967 Dehli |
Alexander, G. J. | Some Points in Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat, for the General Practitioner |
Reprinted from The Hahnemannian Monthly, April 1919 |
Allen, A. William | Repertory to the Symptoms of intermittent Fever | F. E. Boericke 1883 Philadelphia englisch und spanisch |
Allendy M. | Traitement Homoeopathique de la Rhinite | Editions Médicales 1923 Paris |
Allendy R. | La Thérapeutique positive, L'Homoeopathie | Longuet 1920 Paris |
Allendy René | Essai sur la Guérison | Denoël et Steele Paris |
Allen, H. C. | The Therapeutics of Tuberculous Affections | Printing and Publishing Company 1889 Michigan siehe Doppelband Gregg / Allen Tuberculosis |
Allen, R. W. | The Opsonic Method of Treatment | P. Blakistons's Son & Co Philadelphia |
Allen Timothy F. | A General Symptom Register of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica | Boericke & Tafel 1880 New York/Philadelphia |
Allen Timothy F. and Geo. S. Norton | Ophthalmic Therapeutics | Boericke & Tafel 1876 New York and Philadelphia mit Notizen von E. A. Farrington |
Altschul | Homöopathisches Taschenwörterbuch fpr das Haus, die Reise und das Krankenbett | Friedrich August Eupel Sondershausen 1857 |
Altschul | Lehrbuch der physiologischen Pharmacodynamik | Carl Wilhelm Medau Neue Ausgabe 1853 Prag |
Altschul | Systematisches Lehrbuch der theoretischen und praktischen Homöopathie | Fr. Aug. Eupel 1858 Sondershausen |
Amieux | L'Homoeopathie Complexe | Laboratoires Homoeopathiques de France Asnières Produktekatalog |
Ammann R. | Samuel Hahnemann und sein Werk |
Anselmi | Indice del Repertorio de la Materia Medica | Talleres graficos Policrom 2a edicion 1950 Chiclana |
Anselmi | Repertoria de la Materia Medica Homeopatica |
2a edicion 1950 Buenos Aires |
Anshutz, E. P. | A Guide to the Twelve Tissue Remedies of Biochemistry | Boericke & Tafel 1927 Philadelphia |
Anshutz, E. P. | Therapeutic By-Ways | Poy publishing House first indian edition 1962 Calcutta |
Anshutz, E. P. | Therapeutic By-Ways | Boericke & Tafel 1916 Philadelphia |
Argenti D. | Homoeopathische Behandlung der Krankheiten | Gustav Heckenast zweite, vermehrte Auflage 1876 Pressburg & Leipzig |
Argenti D. | Homoeopathische Behandlung verschiedner Krankheiten | Hermann Geibel 1860 Pest. aus dem Ungarischen übersetzt von Dr. Schleicher |
Arndt, H. R. | A System of Medicine based upon the Law of Homoeopathy (Vol. I) | Hahnemann Publishing House 1885 Philadelphia |
Arndt, H. R. | A System of Medicine based upon the Law of Homoeopathy (Vol. II) | Hahnemann Publishing House 1885 Philadelphia |
Arndt, H. R. | A System of Medicine based upon the Law of Homoeopathy (Vol. III) | Hahnemann Publishing House 1886 Philadelphia |
Arndt, H. R. | First Lessons in the Symptomatology of leading homoeopathic Remedies | Boericke & Tafel 1904 Philadelphia |
Arndt, H. R. | Practice of Medecine (Volume II) | Boericke & Tafel Philadelphia |
Arndt, H. R. | Practice of Medecine (Volume I) | Boericke & Tafel 1899 Philadelphia |
Arréat G. .: Ch. | De L'Homoeopathie | Baillière 1859 Paris, Londres, Madrid |
Aubin M., Bildet J. | Homeopathie et Experimentation animale | Laboratoires Homoeopathieques de France Ansière |
Aubry P., Bardoulat | Médecine Vétérinaire Homéopathique | J. B. Baillère et fils 1952 Paris |
Aurand, S. H. | Botanical Materia Medica and Pharmacology ( ) | P. H. Mallen Company 1899 Chicago |
Bach Ch. | A Propos de la Phytothérapie | Lehning Metz |
Bach Edward | The Twelve Healers | C. W. Daniel Company reprinted with revisions 1952 Ashingdon, Rochford, Essex |
Bach Edward and Charles E. Wheeler | Chronic Disease | H. K. Lewis & Co 1925 London |
Badoglio | Bonner Medizinische Ring-Vorlesung der medizinischen Fakultät | Karl F. Haug 1959 Ulm Sonderdruck aus Zeitschriften |
Baehr Bernhard | The Science of Therapeutics, according to the Principles of Momoeopathy (Volume II) | Boericke & Tafel translated and enriched by Hempel, Ch. J. 1869 New York |
Baehr Bernhard | The Science of Therapeutics, according to the Principles of Momoeopathy (Volume I) | Boericke & Tafel translated and enriched by Hempel, Ch. J. 1869 New York |
Baertl Joseph | Aerztliche Ansichten über Präservative vor Seelenstörungen | Gustav J. Purfürst 1864 Leipzig |
Bakker Gerard | Een en ander uit de Homoeopathische Philosopie |
Nederland |
Bakker Gerard | Uit Kliniek en praktijk |
1930 |
Bakker / Leeser et al | Apologie en Lofrede | Bom & Zoon 1950 Amsterdam |
Bakody Theodor | Scientific Medi ine in ist Relation to Homoeopathy | Boericke & Tafel 1891 Philadelphia translated from the German by R. F. Bauer |
Bakody Theodor von | Hahnemann redivivus. Apologetische Analekten ausd en Schriften des Dr. Samuel Hahnemann | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1883 Leipzig |
Bakody Theodor von | Statistik der Klinischen Lehranstalt im St. Rochus-Spitale und des Krankenhauses "Bethesda" zu Budapest | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1883 Leipzig |
Balari M. | Indicaciones homeopaticas: Indigestion |
Barcelona |
Balari Miquel | Discurso de Inauguracion del Conseja Homeopatico Internacional |
1924 Barcelona spanisch/englisch |
Banerjee J. N. | Presidential Address; all Bengal Homoeopathic Conference, third session | Calcutta University Institute 1934 Calcutta |
Banerjee N. K. | Anecdotal Homoeopathy | Salzer & Co Calcutta collected and arranged by N. K. Banerjee |
Banerjee N. K. | Blood Pressure | Salzer & Co second revised & enlarged edition Calcutta |
Banerjee N. K. | Boral's Concentric Repertory | Salzer & Co second edition Calcutta |
Banerjee N. K. | Notes on Cholera | Salzer & Co Calcutta collected and arranged by N. K. Banerjee |
Banerjee N. K. | The Spirit of Homoeopathy by Hahnemann | Salzer & Co Calcutta collected and arranged by N. K. Banerjee |
Banerjee P. N. | Chronic Disease - its Cause and Cure | Banerjee & Co 1950 Bengal |
Banerjee P. N. | Chronic Disease - its Cause and Cure | P. C. Chakravarty 1931 Calcutta |
Banerjee P. N. | The two Pathies; Allopathy and Homoeopathy | Salzer & Co Calcutta collected and arranged by N. K. Banerjee |
Barishac | Contribution à l'étude de l'Action du remède homoeopathique |
1931 Genève |
Barker Ellis J. | Cancer, howit is Caused; how it can be Prevented | John Murray first edition June 1924, reprinted July 1924 1924 London |
Barker Ellis J. | Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher | John Murray 1928 London |
Barker Ellis J. | Miracles of Healing | John Murray 1931 London |
Barker Ellis J. | My Testament of Healing | Maxwell, Love & Do reprinted 1947, fist Edition 1939 (The Hooeopathic Publishing Company ) London |
Barker Neish William | Hahnemann the Pioneer | British Homoeopathic Association 1922 London reprinted from "The Homoeopathic World" |
Bartlett Clarence | A Clinical Lecture on "Cold in the Head" or "Catarrhal Fever" |
(The Hahnemannian Monthly
) 1919 |
Bartlett Clarence | A Strictly Personal Review of Disorders of the Ductless Glands and their Therapy |
(The Hahnemannian Monthly
) 1918 |
Bartlett Clarence | A Text-Book of Clinical Medicine -Principles of Diagnosis | Boericke & Tafel 1903 Philadelphia |
Bartlett Clarence | A Text-Book of Clinical Medicine -Treatment | Boericke & Tafel 1908 Philadelphia |
Bartlett Clarence | The Acute Medical Abdomen |
(The Hahnemannian Monthly
) 1921 |
Bartlett Clarence | The Cryptogenic Fevers |
(The Hahnemannian Monthly
) 1915 |
Bartlett Clarence | The Greaat Medical Schism |
(The Hahnemannian Monthly
) 1919 |
Bartlett Clarence | The Many Phases of Asthma: Etiologic and Therapeutics |
(The Hahnemannian Monthly
) 1920 |
Bartlett Clarence | The Modernizing of Homoeopathy |
(The Hahnemannian Monthly
) 1918 |
Baruch M. Emanuel | On the Ralations of Antitoxin Treatment to Homoeopathy | Boericke & Runyon Co 1899 New York |
Bates W. H. | The Prevention of Myopia in SChool Children |
(New York Medical Journal
) 1911 |
Bates William | The Imperfect Sight of the normal eye |
(New York Medical Journal
) 1917 |
Baudry | Des Médicaments homoepathiques | Pharmacie Générale Homoepathique Paris |
Bauer E. | Ein dringendster Fall |
1962 Sonderdruck aus "Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Homöopathie", 8. Jhg. Nr. 3/4 |
Bauer Sigismund | Homöopathische Heilungen | Dr. Madaus & Co. Dresden |
Baur | Les Alternances Morbides | Ternet-Martin Vienne Extrait des Actes de la Societe Rhodanienne d'Homeopathie, 1955 |
Baur | Philosophie de l'Homéopathie; les Aphorismes et Préceptes du Docteur Kent | Ternet-Martin Vienne Extrait des Actes de la Societe Rhodanienne d'Homeopathie 1955 |
Baur | Qu'est-ce qu'une pathogénésie? | Laboratoires Homéopathiques Boiron 1962 Communication présentée au Centre Homéopathique Lyonnais |
Bayard, Edward | Address dellivered before the American Institute of Homoeopathy | Kind & Baird 1854 Philadelphia |
Bayes William | Applied Homoeopathy | Henry Turner and Co. 1871 London |
Beauvais | Effets toxiques et Pathogénétiques de Plusieurs Médicamens | Caillière 1845 Paris |
Béchet J.-Joseph | Les Harmonies Médicales et Phlosopthiques | Roumanille 1873 Avignon |
Belbèze | Essai de Schématisation et de Classification des Symptômes mentaux homéopathique | Martin & Ternet 1932 Vienne |
Bell, James B. | The Homoeopathic treatment of Diarrhoea, Cysentery, Cholera… | F. E. Boericke third edition 1888 Philadelphia |
Bellows Howard P. | The Test Drug-Proving of the O. O. & L. Society | O. O. & L. Society 1906 Boston |
Belotti J. | Pricipes d'Homéopathie complexe | Georg & Cie/Baillière & Fils deuxième édition refondue 1903 Bale et Genève/Paris |
Benjamin Alva | Medicine in the two Elizabethan Eras; the Role of Homoeopathy in the Second | Headley Brothers reprinted from the British Homoeopathic Journal, 1953 London Vol XLIII, No. 4 October 1953 |
Bennett Julian F. | Standpoints in Medicine | John Bale reprinted from "The British Homoeopathic Journal", Oct. 1928 1928 London |
Benson Reuel A. | A Nursery Manual | Boericke & Tafel 1908 Philadelphia |
Bercher Louis | L'Homoeopathie Sans Mystère | Doin & Cie 1937 Paris |
Berjeau, J. Ph. | The Homoeopathic Treatment of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea Spermatorrhoia and urinary Diseases | Boericke & Tafel 1935 Philadelphia revised by Frost J. H. P. |
Bernard H. | Nouveau Traité d'Homéopathie (Tome II) | Coquemard Angoulême |
Bernard H. | Nouveau Traité d'Homéopathie (Tome I) | Coquemard Angoulême |
Bernard Henri | La Réticulo-Endothéliose chronique ou Sycose | Coquemard Angoulême |
Bernard Henri | Pourqui l'Homéopathie guérit | Coquemard Angoulême |
Berridge Edwar William | A Repertory to the Materia Medica | De Armond & Goodrich 1869 Philadelphia |
Berridge E. W. | Complete Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica | Alfred Heath second edition London |
Bertelli Siro | Grandezze e miserie degli omeopatici italiani | Tipografia commerciale 1933 Perugia |
Bertelli Siro | Lastomatologie | Zelli 1931 Arezzo |
Beuchelt Hellmuth | Homöopathische Konstitutions-Typen in Wort und Bild | Karl F. Haug Verlag 1956 Ulm |
Bhanja K. C. | Masterkey to Homoeopathic Materia Medica | Gilbert & Co 1947 Darjeeling |
Bhatnagar P. N. | Homoeopathy in Malaria | Hahnemann Homoeopathic Pharmacy Delhi |
Bhattacharyya Kali Kumar Vidyabhuson | Homoeopathic Science; Post Graduate Lectures (I, II & III) | Dhubri Assam |
Bidwell Glen Irving | How To Use The Repertory | Boericke & Tafel 1915 Philadelphia |
Bier August | Homöopathie und harmonische Ordnung der Heilkunde | Hippokrates-Verlag Marquardt & Cie. zweite verbesserte Auflage 1949 Stuttgart |
Bier August | What Shall Be OUr Attitude Toward Homoeopathy? |
(translated from German
) reprinted from The Homoeopathic Recorder, Philadelphia, Volume XL, Dec. 1925 |
Bier August | Wie sollen wir uns zu der Homöopathie stellen? | J. F. Lehmanns Verlag 4. Auflage 1925 München |
Bier August | Wie sollen wir uns zu der Homöopathie stellen? | J. F. Lehmanns Verlag 6.- 8. ergänzte Auflage 1925 München |
Bier Auguste | Quelle Attitude devrons-nous avoir envers l'Homoeopathie? |
Revue Française d'Homoeopathie |
Bier Auguste | Quelle Attitude devrons-nous avoir envers l'Homoeopathie? (suite) |
Revue Française d'Homoeopathie |
Bircher Franklin | Effets thérapeutiques du Régime sur les Troubles circulatoires | Rédaction et Administration Paris L'Homoeopathie Moderne, Extrait |
Biswas P. P. | Drug Proving in India |
H. M. M. Series No. 35 |
Bitterlin Charles | La Médecine Homoeopathique en Stomatologie | Les Laboratoires homoeopathques de France Asnières Conférence faire à l'école Homoeopathique de Paris parue dans les Annales Homoeopathiques de l'Homoeopathiqeus de L'Hôpital Saint-Jacques 1936 |
Blackwood A. L. | Contagious Constitutional and Blood Diseases | Boericke & Tafel 1910 Philadelphia |
Blackwood A. L. | Diseases of the Heart | Halsey Bros. Co 1901 Chicago |
Blackwood A. L. | Diseases of the Kidneys and Nervous System | Boericke & Tafel 1913 Philadelphia |
Blackwood A. L. | Diseases of the Lungs | Halsey Bros. Co 1902 Chicago |
Blackwood A. L. | The Food Tract | Boericke & Tafel 1909 Philadelphia |
Blackwood Alexander L. | A Manual of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology | Boericke & Tafel second edition, revised and enlarged 1923 Philadelphia |
Blos Edwin | Hahnemann, der Begründer der Kolloidalchemie | Kairos Verlag 1931 Karlsruhe |
Bodman | Hahnemann and his Patients | Headley Brothers reprinted from The British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. XLV, No. 1, Oct. 1955 London |
Bodman F. H. | Levels of Drug Action | John Bale, Sons reprinted from "The British Homoeopathic Journal" 1936 London |
Bodman Frank | The Foresight of Hahnemann | Headley Brothers reprinted from "The Homoeopathic World, Nov. 1931 (The British homoeopathic Association ) London |
Bodman Frank | The Relation of Homoeopathy to Modern Conceptions of the Psychoses | The British Homoeopathic Association 1928 London |
Bodmann Fr. | The Contribution to Medicine Made by Samuel Hahnemann | E. J. Brill (JANUS Archives internationalees pour l?Histoire de la Médecine ) 1933 Leyde Extrait 37me Année |
Boericke W. Garth | Homeopathy | M/s. N.S. and Co Dehli |
Boericke William | Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica | Boericke & Runyon 1927 New York |
Boericke William | The Care, Feeding an Homoeopathic Treatment of Children | Boericke and Runyon Co second edition 1911 San Francisco |
Boericke William and Willies A. Dewey | The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schüssler | Boericke & Tafel 1893 Philadelphia |
Boericke William and Willies A. Dewey | The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schüssler | Boericke & Tafel sixth edition 1925 Philadelphia |
Boericke Wm | A compend of the Principles of Homoeopathy | Boericke and Runyon Co 1896 San Francisco |
Boger C. M. | Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory | Roy & Company second edition Bombay World Copyright India 1936 |
Boger C. M. | Boenninghausens's Characteristics and Repertory | Roy & Company second edition Bombay |
Boger, C. M. | A synoptic Key of the Materia Medica | Sowers Printing Company fourth edition Lebanon, Pennsylvania Vorwort Boger, 1931 |
Boger, C. M. | A synoptic Key of the Materia Medica | A. B. Publishers memorial edition enlarged Calcutta thouroughly revised by N. K. Banerjee |
Boger, C. M. | General Analysis |
third edition Vorwort Boger, 1926 |
Boger, C. M. | Studies in the Philosophy of Healing | Roy & Company Bombay |
Boger, C. M. | Therapeutics of Diphteria | T. B. & H. B. Cochran 1898 Lancaster |
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Burford George | Homoeopathy in Malignant Disease | John Bale 1933 London |
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Burnett Jas. Compton | Die Heilung des Staares auf arneilichem Wege | Gustav Engel Leipzig übersetzt von Dr. H. Goullon in Weimar |
Burnett J. Campton | 50 Gründe, Homöopath zu sein | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1921 Leipzig aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Dr. Mai in Kiel |
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Burnett J. Compton | Delicate, Backward, Puny and Stunted Children | Boericke & Tafel 1896 Philadelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | Diseases of the Skin | Boericke & Tafel third edition, revised and enlarged 1898 Philadelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | Diseases of the Spleen | Boericke & Tafel American Edition 1917 Philadelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | Doctor Burnett's Essays | Boericke & Tafel Compilation New York |
Burnett J. Compton | Eight Years' Experience in the Cure of Consumption by Bacillinum | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company third edition, revised and enlarged 1894 London |
Burnett J. Compton | Enlarged Tonsils | Haren & Brother sixth edition (forth Indian Edition) 1972 Calcutta |
Burnett J. Compton | Enlarged Tonsils Cured by Medicines | Boericke & Tafel 1901 Philadelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | Fevers and Blood-Poisoning | James Epps & Co. London |
Burnett J. Compton | Fifty Reasons for being a Homoeopath | The Homoepathic Publishing London with type written table of contents by P. Schmidt; Additional: some irrefutable, comparative statistical Proof therof by E. Petrie Hoyle |
Burnett J. Compton | Fifty Reasons for being a Homoeopath | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company 1896 London |
Burnett J. Compton | Gout and its Cure | Boericke & Tafel 1895 PHiladelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | Natrum Muriaticum | Benoy Sinha (Homoeo Library, Calcutta ) 1961 Calcutta |
Burnett J. Compton | On Fistula | James Epps & Co. 1889 London |
Burnett J. Compton | On Neuralgia | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company second edition, enlarged 1894 London |
Burnett J. Compton | On the Prevention of Hare-Lip, Cleft-Palate and other congenital Defects | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company read before the British Homoeopathic Congress held at Leeds, Sept 9, a880 London |
Burnett J. Compton | Organ Diseases of Women | Boericke & Tafel 1897 Philadelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | Ringworm: its Constitutional Nature and Cure | Boericke & Tafel Philadelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | The Change of Life in Woman | Boericke & Tafel 1898 Philadelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | The Diseases of the Liver | Boericke & Tafel third edition 1905 Philadelphia |
Burnett J. Compton | Tumors of the Breast | James Epps & Co. 1888 London |
Burnett J. Compton | Vaccinosis | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company London |
Burnett J. Compton | Valvular Disease of the Heart | Leath & Ross London |
Burt W. H. | Characteristic Materia Medica | Boericke & Tafel second edition 1873 New York and Philadelphia |
Burt William H. | Characteristic Materia Medica Memorizer | Halsey Bros 1895 Chicago |
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Carrel Alexis & Auguste Lumière | Médecine officielle et Médecines Hérétiques | Librairie Plon 1943 Paris |
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Clarke John H. | A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine | The Homoeopathic Publishing fourth edition, revised by D. Shepherd 1949 London |
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Clarke John H. | The Prescriber | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company eight edition, revised and enlarged 1938 London |
Clarke John H. | The Prescriber | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company ninth edition London with annotations and thumb index by P. Schmidt |
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Clarke John H. | Whooping-cough cured with Pertussin | James Epps & Co. 1906 London |
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Close Stuart | The Art of Generalizing |
Close Stuart | The Educational Problem of Homoeopathy and ist Solution |
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Close Stuart | Vaccination from a Homoeopathic Stnadpoint |
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Genet Lucien | Cancer des Bêtes, Cancer des Hommes | Vigot Frères 1955 Paris mit handschriftlicher Widmung |
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Gescher Julius | Wege zur praktischen Homöopathie | Hippokrates-Verlag 1935 Stuttgart-Leipzig |
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Gibson D. M. | Argentum nitricum |
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Gibson D. M. | Belladonna; Hyoscyamus niger; Stramonium |
reprinted from The British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol LIII, No. 2, April 1964 |
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Gibson D. M. | Natrum muriaticum; Kali carbonicum |
reprinted from The British Homoepathic Journal, Vol LIV, No. 2, April 1965 |
Gibson D. M. | Sulphur; Phosphorus |
reprinted from The British Homoeopatic Journal, Vol LII, No. Oct. 1963 |
Gibson D. M. | Arsenicum album; Lycopodium clavatum |
reprinted from The British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol LI, No. 4, Oct. 1962 |
Gibson D. M. | Life Cell Growth and Cancer |
reprinted from "Homoepathy", Vol 5, Nos. 9 and 10 |
Gibson / Hernandez Jordan | Relaciones Medicamentosas |
espangnol, english, deutsch, français |
Gibson M. D. | Apis mellifica; Bryonia |
reprinted from The British Homoeopatic Journal, Vol. LIV No. Jan. 1965 |
Gibson R. Miller | A Synopsis of Homoeopathic Philosophy |
Gibson R. Miller | Relationship of Remedies |
with many annotations by P. Schmidt |
Gibson R. Miller | Relationship of Remedies | The Homoeopathic Publishing Co. London englisch, français, italiano, deutsch, espangnol, portugues, nederlands, afrikaans |
Gibson Rober Miller | On the Comparative Value of Symptoms in the Selection of the Remedy | Unwin Brothers reprinted from "British Homoepathic Journal". (Homoeopathic Pubslihing Co. ) London |
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Giraud X. | De L'Homoeopathie et de ses Progrès | F. Savy 1877 Paris |
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Gooday Harry | The Text-Book of Veterinary Homoeopathic Practice | Leath & Ross fourth edition London |
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Green Jullia M. | Homoeopathy: Philosophy; Practise; A Group of Talks to Laymen |
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reprinted from The Hahnemannian Monthly, June 1919 |
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reprinted from Journal of American Institute of Homeopathy, October 1951 |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Die Allöopathie | Baumgärtners Buchhandlung 1831 Leipzig |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Die chronischen Krankheiten (Vierter Theil) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 1830 Dresden und Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die chronischen Krankheiten (Vierter Theil) | Verlag von J. E. Schaub zweite, viel vermehrte Auflage 1838 Düsseldorf |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die chronischen Krankheiten (Dritter Theil) | Verlag von J. E. Schaub zweite, viel vermehrte Auflage 1837 Düsseldorf |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die chronischen Krankheiten (Erster und zweiter Theil) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung zweite, viel vermehrte Auflage 1835 Dresden und Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die chronischen Krankheiten (Erster Theil) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 1828 Dresden und Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die chronischen Krankheiten (Zweiter Theil) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 1828 Dresden und Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die Heilung der asiatischen Cholera | Friedrich Regensberg 1831 Münster |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die Heilung und Pophylaxis der asiatischen Cholera | Schulzische Buchhandlung 1832 Hamm |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die hoöopathischen Arzneien in Hauptsymptomengruppen | Karl Franz Köhler 1834 Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Die Kennzeichen der Güte und Verfälschung der Arzneimittel | Waltherische Hofbuchhandlung 1787 Dresden |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Doctrine et traitement Homoeopathique des maladies chroniques (Tome deuxième) | Baillière 1846 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Doctrine et traitement Homoeopathique des maladies chroniques (Tome second) | Baillière 1832 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Doctrine et traitement Homoeopathique des maladies chroniques (Tome premier) | Baillière 1832 Paris |
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) gesammelte und gebundene Schriften zu Hahnemann |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Etudes de Médecine homoeopathique | Baillière Deuxième série 1855 Paris |
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4. Ausgabe revidirt, vermehrt und bestätigt (Berliner Verein homöopathischer Ärzte
) 1893 Berlin übersetzt von Dr. med. Gisevius |
Hahnemann Samuel | Kurzgefasste Arzneimittellehre (Bd 1) |
3. Ausgabe revidirt, vermehrt und bestätigt (Berliner Verein homöopathischer Ärzte
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Hahnemann Samuel | Materia Medica Pura (Vol III) | William Radde (translated and edited by Ch. J. Hempel ) 1846 London |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Médecine homeopathique domestique | J. P. Ballière et fils 7 ième édition 1891 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Médecine homeopathique domestique | J. P. Ballière et fils Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Médecine homeopathique domestique | J. P. Ballière 3 ième édition 1855 Paris |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Organon de l'Art de Guérir, Exposé de la Réforme de l'Art Médical |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Organon de l'Art de Guérir ou Exposition de la Doctrine médical Homoeopathique | Baillière seconde édition 1834 Paris traduit de l'allemand sur la cinquième édition |
Hahnemann Samuel | Organon de l'Art de Guérir ou Exposition de la Doctrine médical Homoeopathique | Baillière 3 ième édition, augmentée 1845 Paris traduit de l'allemand sur la dernière édition |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Organon del Arte de Curar o exposicion de la doctrina medica homeopatica | Ignacio Boix quinta y ultima edicion escrita en aleman 1844 Madrid |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Organon der Heilkunst | Arnold'sche Buchhandlung 4. verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage 1829 Dresden und Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Organon der Heilkunst | Arnold'sche Buchhandlung 5. verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage 1833 Dresden und Leipzig |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Organon of Homoeopathic Medicine | WM. Radde fourth american edition 1869 New York |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Organon of Medicine | Boericke & Tafel eight american edition 1923 |
Hahnemann Samuel | Organon of Medicine | Bhattacharyya fifth and sixth edition 1955 Calcutta |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Organon of the Art of Healing | Boericke & Tafel sixth american edition 1917 Philadelphia |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Organon of the Art of Healing | Boericke & Tafel sixth american edition 1896 Philadelphia |
Hahnemann Samuel | Organon of the Art of Healing restated | keine Angabe fifth edition 1925 keine Angabe |
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Repertoriumskarten englisch und spanisch; rosa Karte Nr. fehlt (stomach) |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Reine Arzneimittellehre (Bd 3) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 2. und vermehrte Auflage 1825 Dresden |
Hahnemann Samuel | Reine Arzneimittellehre (Bd 4) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 2. und vermehrte Auflage 1825 Dresden |
Hahnemann Samuel | Reine Arzneimittellehre (Bd 5) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 2. und vermehrte Auflage 1826 Dresden und Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Reine Arzneimittellehre (Bd 6) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 2. und vermehrte Auflage 1827 Dresden |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Reine Arzneimittellehre (Zweiter Theil) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 1833 Dresden und Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Reine Arzneimittellehre (Bd 5 und 6) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 1. Auflage / 2. vermehrte Auflage Dresden und Leipzig |
Hahnemann Samuel | Reine Arzneimittellehre (Bd 3 und 4) | Arnoldische Buchhandlung 1. Auflage Dresden |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Repertorisationsbögen |
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Hahnemann Samuel | The Chronic Diseases | WM. Radde (translated and edited by Ch. J. Hempel ) 1845 New York |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Chronic Diseases (Volume III) | WM Radde (translated and edited by Ch. J. Hempel ) 1846 New York |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Chronic Diseases (Volume IV) | WM Radde (translated and edited by Ch. J. Hempel ) 1846 New York |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Chronic Diseases (Volume II) | WM Radde (translated and edited by Ch. J. Hempel ) 1846 New York |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Chronic Diseases | Boericke & Tafel (translated from the second enlarged german edition of 1835 by Tafel ) 1904 Philadelphia |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Chronic Diseases | Boericke & Tafel (translated from the second enlarged german edition of 1835 by Tafel ) 1896 Philadelphia |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Chronic Diseases | C. Ringer & Co second indian edition (translated from the german edition by Tafel ) Calcutta |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Chronic Diseases (Volume V) | WM Radde (translated and edited by Ch. J. Hempel ) 1846 New York |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica (I bis X) | Press of Globe Printing House Philadelphia mit Griffregister von P. Schmidt, sowie Notizen und Photo |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica (I bis X) | Press of Globe Printing House Philadelphia eingebundene Leerseiten, mit Notizen von J.T.Kent |
Hahnemann Samuel | The Journal of Homoeopathic Clincs | William P. Kildare (C. Hering and Henry Noa Martin ) 1869 Philadelphia |
Hahnemann Samuel | The lesser Writings | William Radde 1852 New York and Philadelphia |
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Hahnemann Samuel | Traité de Matière Médicale homoeopathique (Tome quatrième et dernier) | Baillière et fils 1891 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Traité de Matière Médicale homoeopathique (Tome premier) | Baillière et fils 1877 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Traité de Matière Médicale homoeopathique (Tome troisième) | Baillière et fils 1877 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Traité de Matière Médicale ou de l'action pure des Médicaments homoeopathique (Tome premier) | Baillière 1834 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Traité de Matière Médicale ou de l'action pure des Médicaments homoeopathique (Tome second) | Baillière 1834 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Traité de Matière Médicale ou de l'action pure des Médicaments homoeopathique (Tome troisième) | Baillière 1834 Paris |
Hahnemann Samuel | Unabridged Dictionary of the Sensations "as if" | Wobbers, Inc. 1939 San Francisco |
Hahnemann Samuel | Wirkungen des Schlangengiftes | Blumer 1837 Allentaun |
Hale, Edwin M. | Diseases of Women, especially those causing Sterility | Boericke & Tafel 1878 New York and Philadelphia |
Hale, Edwin M. | Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies | E. A. Lodge second edition 1867 Detroit |
Hale, Edwin M. | Lectures on Diseases of the Heart, with Repertory of Heart Symptoms (in six parts) | F. E. Boericke third edition, greatly enlarged 1889 Philadelphia |
Hale, Edwin M. | Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies (Vol. I) | Boericke and Tafel fourth edition, revised and enlarged 1875 New York and Philadelphia |
Hale, Edwin M. | Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies (Vol. II) | Boericke and Tafel fourth edition, revised and enlarged 1875 New York and Philadelphia |
Hale, Edwin M. | New Remedies: theri Pathogenetic Effects | E. A. Lodge, Homoeopathic Pharmacy Detroit, Michigan |
Hale, Edwin M. | Saw Palmetto (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata) | Boericke & Tafel 1898 Philadelphia |
Hale, Edwin M. | The Practice of Medicine | Gross and Delbridge 1894 Chicago |
Hanchett, Henry G. | Sexual Health | Boericke & Tafel third edition 1900 Philadelphia carefully revised ba S. H. Laidlaw |
Hansen Oscar | A Text-Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homoeopathic Remedies | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company 1899 London |
Harst van der, P. L. | Poging tot inleiding in de practische homoeopathie | Dr. Willmar Schwabe Zaandam |
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Hartlaub C. G. C. | The Child's Homoeopathic Physician | Wm. Headland second edition 1861 London translated from the 4th foreign edition by Neville Wood |
Hartmann, Franz | Diseases of Children | William Radde 1853 New York translated with notes by Charles J. Hempel |
Hartmann, Franz | Practical Observations on … Homoeopathic Remedies (first series) | J. Dobson 1841 Philadelphia |
Haug Karl F. Verlag | Zur Medizin unserer Tage | Karl F. Haug Verlag 1953 Ulm Festschrift/ Quilisch |
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Hausmann Franz | Kleine Schriften | A. Marggraf's homöopathische Officin 1895 Leipzig gesammelt und herausgegeben von C. Bojanus sen. |
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Helmuth Tod WM. | A System of Surgery | Carle & Grener 1873 New York |
Hempel Charles J. | Complete Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica | William Radde 1853 New York |
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Hempel Charles J. | The Science of Homoeopathy | Boericke & Tafel third edition 1894 Philadelphia |
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Hempel J. Charles | Nouvelles Homoéopathie Domestique | W. Radde 1854 New York |
Henderson William | An Inquiry into the Homoeopathic Practice of Medicine | William Radde 1846 New York |
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Hermel | Recherches sur le traitement de l'aliénation mental |
Hernandez Jordan | Les étapes de ma vie homoépathique |
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Heysinger I. W. | The Scientific Basis of Medicine | Boericke & Tafel 1897 Philadelphia |
Higgins, S. B. | Ophidians, Zoological Arrangement of the Different Genera | Boericke & Tafel first american edition 1873 New York and Philadelphia |
Hirschel B. | Guide du Médecin Homoépahte au Lit du Malade | Baillière et fils 1874 Paris |
Hirschel Bernhard | Compendium der Homöopathie | Wilhelm Braumüller dritte, verbesserte Auflage 1864 Wien |
Hirschel Bernhard | Der Homöopathische Arzneischatz | Friedrich Fleischer 1864 Leipzig |
Hirschel Bernhard | Die Homöopathie. | Moritz Katz 1851 Dessau |
Hirschel Bernhard | Grundriss der Homöopathie | Gebrüder Katz 1854 Dessau |
Hobhouse Rosa | The Divine Art of Healing | C. W. Daniel 1926 London |
Hodiamont | Conseils aux Malades qui se soignent par l'Homéopathie | Wauters 1959 Bruxelles |
Hodiamont | Veratrum Album |
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Hodiamont | Venins et Remèdes du Règne animal en Homéopathie | Wauters 1957 Bruxelles |
Hodiamont Georges | Homéopathie et Physiologie | Baillière et Fils 1949 Paris |
Hodiamont Georges | Remèdes végétaux en Homéopathie | Baillière et Fils 1952 Paris Préface du Dr. P. Schmidt |
Hoffmann Achille | L'Homoeopathie exposée aus gens du Monde, défendue et vengée | Baillière et fils quatrième Edition 1842 Paris |
Holcombe, William H. | How I Became A Homoeopath | Boericke & Tafel 1874 New York and Philadelphia |
Holcombe, William H. | How I Became A Homoeopath | Boericke & Tafel 1892 Philadelphia |
Hooker Worthington | Homoeopathy | Charles Scribner 1851 New York |
Houat L. T. | Nouvelles Données de Matière Médicale | Baillière et Fils 1866 Paris |
Houghton Henry C. | Lectures on Clinical Otology | Otis Clapp and Son 1885 Boston |
Hoyne, Temple S. | Veneral and Urinary Diseases | Halsey Brothers second edition, revised and enlarged 1894 Chicago |
Hoyne, T. S. | Dr. T. S: Hoynes's Materia Medica Cards | Office of the Librarian of Congress 1870 Washington mit Inhaltsverzeichnis von P. Schmidt |
Huges Richard | Manuel de Théapeutique selon la Méthode de Hahnemann | J.-B. Baillière et fils traduit de l'anglais sur la seconde édition et Annoté par I. Guérin-Méneville 1881 Paris |
Hughes Richard | Action des Médicaments Homoeopathiques | J. B. Baillière et fils 1874 Paris traduit de l'anglais et annoté par I. Guérin-Méneville |
Hughes Richard | A Manual of Pharmacodynamics | C. Riinger & Co. eight edition, second Indian edition Calcutta |
Hughes Richard | A Manual of Therapeutics (Part I) | Henry Turner second edition, mainly re-written 1877 London |
Hughes Richard | A Repertory to the Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy | E. Gould and Son London |
Hughes Richard | The Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy | Leath & Ross 1902 London |
Hughes Richard / J. P. Dake | A Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy (Vol II) | E. Gould and Son London |
Hughes Richard / J. P. Dake | A Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy (Vol III) | E. Gould and Son London |
Hughes Richard / J. P. Dake | A Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy (Vol I) | E. Gould and Son London |
Hughes Richard / J. P. Dake | A Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy (Vol IV) | E. Gould and Son London |
Huguet H.-A.-B. (de Vars) | Exposé de Médecine Homéodynamique | A. Delahaye 1887 Londres |
Huguet H.-A.-B. (de Vars) | Exposé de Médecine Homéodynamique | Delahaye 1869 Paris |
Hui Bon Hoa J. | Les Nosodes Intestinaux | Coquemard 1966 Angoulême |
Hull's A. G. | Elements of Homoeopathic Practice of Physic | William Radde 1850 New York |
Humphreys F. | Homoeopathic Treatment of Diseases of the Sexual System | WM. Radde 1850 New York |
Hurndall John Sutcliffe | Veterinary Homoeopathy in ist application to the Horse | Boericke & Tafel second edition 1910 Philadelphia |
Hyenne | Note sur un cas d'ulcère perforant de la cloison nasale |
mit handschriftlichen, beigelegten Notizen |
Hyenne J. | Traitement de la Tuberculose Laryngée | Ducret Frères 1899 Besançon |
Ide-Stettin | Die Zeiten des Auftretens und der Verschlimmerung der Beschwerden mit ihren vorzüglich*) Arzneien |
Iliovici E. et A. Benillouz | Homoéopathie et Art Dentaire; Appliations pratiques | S.R.I.P 1960 Etampes mit handschriftlichen, beigelegten Notizen und weitere Beilagen |
Imbert-Gourbeyre | Aconit; Arnica; Arsenicum; Cicuta; Solanum | A. Davy 1894 Paris |
Imbert-Gourbeyre | Leçons sur le Tabac | Boucard 1866 Clermont-Ferrand |
Imbert-Gourbeyre | Lectures Publiques sur l'Homoeopathie; De la Mort de Socrate | Baillière et Fils 1865 Paris |
Imbert-Gourbeyre | Recherches sur les Solanum des Anciens | Baillière et Fils 1884 Paris |
Imbert-Gourbeyre A. | Öffentliche Vorträge über Homöopathie | Baumgärtner's Buchhandlung 1877 Leipzig mit des Verfassers Ermächtigung aus dem Französischen übertragen von Dr. E. Schärer |
Imhäuser Hedwig | Homöopathie in der Kinderheilkunde | Karl F. Haug Verlag 1970 Heidelberg |
Ivins, Horace F. | Diseases of teh Nose and Throat | The F. A. Davis Co., Publishers 1893 Philadelphia |
Jaeger Max | Die Homöopathie und das moderne Weltbild | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1932 Leipzig |
Jäger Gustav | Die homöopathische Verdünnung | Prof. Dr. G. Jäger 1889 Stuttgart |
Jahr G. H. G. | Jahr's new Manual of Homoeopathic Practice (Vol II) | William Radde second american, from the third or Paris edition 1842 New York edited, with annotations by Gerald Hull |
Jahr G. H. G. | Jahr's new Manual of Homoeopathic Practice | William Radde second american, from the third or Paris edition 1841 New York edited, with annotations by Gerald Hull |
Jahr G. H. G. | Manual of homoeopathic Medicine (part I) | Hippolyte Baillière second edition (translated from the forth edition ) 1847 London with additions by P. F. Curie |
Jahr G. H. G. | Manuel d'Homoeopathie (Tome Premier) | Baillière 1835 Paris |
Jahr G. H. G. | Nouveau Manuel de Médecine Homoeopathique (Première partie /Tome second) | Baillière 1840 Paris |
Jahr G. H. G. | Nouveau Manuel de Médecine Homoeopathique (deuxième partie / tome troisième) | Baillière et fils huitième édition revue et considérablement augmentée 1872 Paris |
Jahr G. H. G. | Nouveau Manuel de Médecine Homoeopathique (première partie / tome premier) | Baillière et fils huitième édition revue et considérablement augmentée 1872 Paris |
Jahr G. H. G. | Nouveau Manuel de Médecine Homoeopathique (Seconde partie / Tome troisième) | Baillière 1850 Paris |
Jahr G. H. G. | Nouveau Manuel de Médecine Homoeopathique (Seconde partie / Tome quatrième) | Baillière 1850 Paris |
Jahr G. H. G. | Nouveau Manuel de Médecine Homoeopathique (Seconde partie / 1.) | Baillière 1840 Paris |
Jahr G. H. G. | Nouveau Manuel de Médecine Homoeopathique (Deuxième partie / tome deuxieme) | Baillière 1841 Paris |
Jahr G. H. G. | Nouveau Manuel de Médecine Homoeopathique (Première partie /Tome premier) | Baillière 1840 Paris |
Jal | Opuscule Homoeopathique | Bellizard 1840 St. Pétersbourg |
Jarricot J. | Dix Questions sur la Méthode de Korsakoff | Martin & Ternet Vienne Extrait de Le Propagateur de l'Homéopathie, 1936 |
Jarricot J. | Les Hautes Puissances | Ternet-Martin 1955 Vienne |
Jarricot J. | L'infinitésimal des Homéopathes | Editions des Laboratoires P.H.R. 1951 Lyon |
Jervis Horace B. F. | Treatment of Canine Distemper with the Potentized Virus | Ehrhart and Karl 1929 Chicago |
Jimenez Marcos | Practical Homeopathic Repertory in Colored and Perforated Card |
Begleitbuch zum Kartenrepertorium |
Johannessohn Fritz | Chininum in der Allgemeinpraxis | Bureau tot Bevordering von Het Kinine-Gebruik 1930 Amsterdam |
Johnson, I. D. | A Guide to Homoeopathic Practice; designed for the Use of Families | Boericke & Tafel 1927 Philadelphia |
Johnson, I. D. | Johnson's Therapeutic Key | Hahnemann Publishing House eighteenth edition, revised, improved and enlarged 1910 Philadelphia |
Jones Eli G. | Definite Medication | The Therapeutic Publishing Company 1911 Boston |
Jones, Eli G. | Cancer | The Therapeutic Publishing Company 1911 Boston mit Brief von E. Wright Hubbard an P. Schmidt |
Jones, Eli G. | Definite Medication | The Therapeutic Publishing Company 1911 Boston |
Jones, Samuel A. | The Grounds of a Homoeopath Faith | Boericke & Tafel 1880 Philadelphia |
Jones, Samuel A. | The Grounds of a Homoeopath Faith (2.0) | Boericke & Tafel fifth edition 1903 Philadelphia |
Jones, Stacy | Prescription Cards |
second edition |
Jones, Stacy | The Bee Line Repertory | Boericke & Tafel 1894 Philadelphia |
Jones, Stacy | The Mnemonic Similad | Boericke & Tafel 1904 Philadelphia |
Jordan Anselmo Hernandes | Repertorio de sintomes | Blass 1931 Madrid spagnolo |
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Jordan Anselmo Hernandez | La salud por la Homeopatia | Blass 1930 Madrid |
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Jousset P. | Eléments de Médecine Pratique (Tome Premier) | J. - B. Baillière et fils 1877 Paris |
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Kabisch Max | Kleine Homöopathische Therapie | Karl F. Haug Verlag vierte Auflage 1960 Ulm |
Kaercher, William F. | The Fincke Process of Potentiation |
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Kafka J. | Die Homöopathische Therapie (2. Band) | Fr. Aug. Eupel's Verlag 1869 Gotha |
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Kafka Theod. | Der Diabetes mellitus | Baumgärtner Leipzig Separatabdruck aus der AHZ 1876 |
Karo W. | Selected Help in Children's Diseases | Hahnemann Publishing Co. second Indian Edition Calcutta |
Karo, W. | Selected Help in Children's Diseases | Hahnemann Publishing Calcutt |
Keene & Ashwell | A Dictionary of Common Complaints |
Kelly Walter K. | Hand-Book of Homoeopathic Practice | James Epps & Co. tenth Edition London |
Kent, James Tyler | Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica | Boericke & Tafel fourth edition 1946 Philadelphia |
Kent, J. T. | Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica | C.E.M.O.N fifth edition, ristampata in Italia 1979 |
Kidd Joseph | Laws of Therapeutics | Lindsay & Blakiston 1879 Philadelphia |
Kidd Joseph | The Laws of Therapeutics | P. Blakiston, Son 1882 Philadelphia |
Kimball, Samuel A. | A Repertory of Gonorrhoea | Otis Clapp and Son 1888 Boston |
King, Jno. C. | Headaches an their Concomitant Symptoms | W.A. Chatteron second edition 1891 Chicago |
Kippax John R. | A Hand-Book of Diseases of the Skin | Gross & Delbridge sixth edition, revised and enlarged 1896 Chicago |
Kippax John R. | Lecures on Fevers | Gross & Delbridge 1884 Chicago |
Kishore Jugal | An Index to the Kishore Cards | Kapur Printing Press second, revised edition 1967 Dehli |
Kishore Jugal | Presidential Address | Paramount Publishing House 1970 New Delhi 18th All-India Homoeopathic Conference |
Kishore Jugal | The Kishore Cards (The Index) | Caxton Press Private New Dehli |
Knerr Calvin B. | A Repertory of Hering's Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica (Vol. II) | M Bhattacharyya & Co third edition 1952 Calcutta |
Knerr Calvin B. | A Repertory of Hering's Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica (Vol I) | M Bhattacharyya & Co third edition 1951 Calcutta |
Knerr, Calvin B. | Drug Relationship | Bhattcharyya 1936 Calcutta |
Koch William F. | Cancer and ist Allied Diseases | printed in U. S. A. 1929 2 Exemplare, verschieden gebunden |
Köck C. | Medizinische Briefe über Homöopathie | Anton Kaufmann 2. Auflage 1889 München |
Kolisko L. | Physiologischer und physikalischer Nachweis der Wirksamkeit kleinster Entitäten | Der kommende Tag 1923 Stuttgart mit graphischen Darstellungen der Wirkungen |
Korndoerfer Augustus | A Study of the Genius of Drugs |
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Kötschau Karl | Zum Aufbau einer biologischen Medizin I | Hippokrates-Verlag 1935 Stuttgart |
Kötschau Karl | Zur wissenschaftlichen Begründung der Homöopathie | Verlag Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1929 Leipzig |
Krauss Theodor | Die homöopathische Komplex-Heilmethode oder Elektro-Homöopathie |
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Kreussler Emilius | The Homoeopathic Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases | Rademacher & Sheek 1854 Philadelphia translated from the german with important Additions and Rvisions by Charles Hempel |
Kreussler Emilius | The Homoeopathic Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases |
1854 translated from the German with important Additions and Revisions by Charles J. Hempel |
Kritzler-Kosch H. | Die Homöopathischen Verdünnungen |
Sonderdruck aus HIPPOKRATES 1949 |
Kritzler-Kosch H. | Über Pyrogenium |
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Kröner E. und F. Gisevius | Handbuch der homöopathischen Heillehre (II. Band. - Erste Hälfte) | Behr's Verlag 1908 Berlin |
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Kröner E. und F. Gisevius | Handbuch der homöopathischen Heillehre (II. Band. - Zweite Hälfte) | Behr's Verlag 1908 Berlin |
Krüger-Hansen | Die Homöopathie und Allopathie auf der Wage | Opitz und Frege zweite Auflage 1836 Güstrow |
Kunkel | Die Homöopathische BEhandlung der Heiserkeit | Verlag von A. Marggraf's homöopath. Offcin 1896 Leipzig |
Lade George | The Heart and Its Troubles | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company London |
Lafitte P.-J. | Symptomatologie Homoeopathique | J. - B. Baillière et fils 1843 Paris |
Laidlaw, George Frederick | The early History of Homeopathy in America |
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Laidlaw, George Frederick | The Treatment of Hay Fever | Boericke & Runyon 1917 New York |
Lamouroux J. et A. Lebeau | Comment soigner un Chien par l'homéopathie | Vigot Frères 1954 Paris |
Lancelot Robert | La Loi de Similitude | Marcel Vigné (Librairie Médicale et Scientifique ) 1930 Paris |
Landry | L'Homoeopathie Vulgarisée | A. Chevalier 1870 Paris |
Langbridge, R. H. | A. B. C. of Homoeopathy | The Homeoopathic Publishing Company London |
Larnaudie Roger | La Guérison par l'Homéopathie (Exemplaire 156) | Meyerbeer 1948 Nice |
Lathoud J.-A. | Études de Matière Médicale Homéopathique (Tome II) | Martin & Ternet Vienne |
Lathoud J.-A. | Études de Matière Médicale Homéopathique (Tome III) | Martin & Ternet Vienne |
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Lavarenne M. | Pages choisies d'Homoéopathie | Baillière & Fils 1942 Paris |
Lawrence Mortimer, F. | Practical Medicine | Boericke & Tafel 1901 Philadelphia |
Leadam Thomas R. | Homoeopathy as applied to the Diseases of Females and early Childhood | James Leath 1851 London |
Leavitt Sheldon | The Science and Art of Abstetrics | Halsey Bros. Co. third edition, revised and enlarged 1901 Chicago |
Leclercq Georges | L'Homéopathie vous guérira | Vigot Frères 1951 Paris |
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Lee Edmund J. | Repertory of the Characteristic Symptoms |
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Lee E. Jennings | Characteristic, Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration after Bönninghausen |
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Leeser Jacob | Über Heilkunst | Selbstverlag des Verfassers 1925 Bonn |
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Leeser O. | Homoeopathy and Its Pharmaceutical Aspects |
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Leeser O. | The Contribution of Homoeopathy to the Development of Medicine | Hippocrates Publishing Co London |
Leeser O. | Towards Synthesis in Medicine | Hippocrates Publishing Co. London |
Leeser Otto | Einführung in die Homöopatherapie | Homöopathischer Central-Verlag Berlin Sonderdruck aus der DZfH |
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Lilienthal Samuel | Homoeopathic Therapeutics | Hahnemann Publishing House third, rewritten and enlarged edition 1890 |
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Lippe Ad./E. A. Farrington | Key to the Materia Medica on Comparative Pharmacodynamic/Comparative Materia Medica | Henry Duffield 1854 Philadelphia |
Lippe Constantine | Repertory to the More characteristic Symptoms | steam Press of Bedell New York mit sehr vielen handschriftlichen Anmerkungen |
Loos, Julia C. | How toSstudy and Use the Repertory |
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Mackenzie Fraser | Common-Sense about Cancer | Homoeopathic Bublishing Company London |
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Mackenzie Fraser | Is Medicine Infallible? |
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Mackenzie George W. | My Conception of Psora | Archibald Sinclair Glasgow delivered at the 11th Congress of Liga Homoeopathica Internationalis, held in Glasgow 1936 |
Madariaga, Salvador de | On Medicine | Homeopathic Information Service 1958 reprinted by permission from Essays With a Purposse: Salvador de Madariaga; Hollis and Carter, London 1954 |
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Puhlmann Gustavo | Piccolo Manuale d'omeopatia domestica | Farmacia Centrale Omeopatica Lipsia |
Pulford, A. | Medicine Proper an Exact Science | Bennett-Smith Toledo |
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Pulford, A. and D. T. | Monograph of Aconitum Napellus | The Camp Printery Toledo |
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Pulford, Alfred | Repertory of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica, et cetera | B. B. Krammes Tiffin, Ohio |
Pulte, J. H. | Homoeopathic Domestic Physicion | A. S. Barnes & Co. 1852 New York |
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Rapou Aug. | De la Fièvre Typhoïde et de son traitement Homoeopathique | J. - B. Baillière 1851 Paris |
Rapou, Aug. | Thyphoid Feber and ist Homoeopathic Treatment | Moore, Anderson & Company 1853 Cincinnati translated by M. Cote |
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Rau G. - L. | Exposition de la Méthode Homéopathique | J. - B. Baillière 1839 Paris |
Rau J. - L. | Exposition de l'état actuel de la Méthode Homéopathique | J. - B. Baillière 1845 Paris |
Rau Ludwig Gottlieb | Über den Werth des homöopathischen Heilverfahrens | Karl Groos zweite, ganz umgearbeitete und vermehrte Ausgabe 1835 Heidelberg und Leipzig |
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Rawson D. S. | Radiation and Nuclear Homoeopathy | Privately Printed 1971 |
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Reuter Albert | Ameisensäure als Heilmittel und ihr Gebrauch am Krankenbett | Verlag der Aerztlichen Rundschau Otto Gmelin 1925 München |
Ridpath | The Law of Cure |
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Rieben Charles | En marge de la Faculté | Librairie des Semailles 1926 Lausanne |
Rigler Johannes | Die Homöopathie und ihre Bedeutung für das öffentliche Wohl | Verlag von August Hirschwald 1882 Berlin |
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Rosenberg von, A. | Pocketbook of Veterinary Medical Practice | Boericke & Tafel 1909 Philadelphia |
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Rousson Ch. | Précis d'Homéopathie Familiale | Martin & Ternet 1937 Vienne |
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Roux H. L. | Introduccion a la Materia Medica Homeopatica |
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Royal George | A Handy Book of Reference | Boericke & Tafel 1930 Philadelphia |
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Royal George | Text-Book of Homeopathic Therory and Practice of Medicine | Boericke & Tafel 1923 Philadelphia |
Royal George | The Homeopathic Therapy of Diseases of the Brain and Nerves | Boericke & Tafel 1928 Philadelphia |
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Ruddock | The Stepping-Stone to Homoeopathy | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company improved and enlarged reprinted New Seventeenth Impression 1946 London |
Ruddock E. H. | The Lady's Manual | Jarrold and Sons second Edition, revised, much enlarged, and protions re-written London |
Ruddock Harris E. | Text Book of Modern Medicine and Surgery on Homoeopathic Principles | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company new edition 1893 London |
Ruoff | Ruoff's Repertory of Homoeopathic Medecine | William Radde second american edition, carefully amended and revised 1845 New York translated from German by A. Howard Okie, with additions and Improvements by Gideon Humphrey |
Rush John | The Hand-Book to Veterinary Homoeopathy | Boericke & Tafel 1911 Philadelphia |
Sabater Romulo Valls | Nuevo Manual de Homeopatia | Gran Farmacia Homeopatica Barcelona |
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Salinger v. | Die positive Heilkunde | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1876 Leipzig |
Saller K. | Homöopathische Konstitutionstherapie | Karl F. Haug 1945 Berlin |
Salzer L. | Lectures on Cholera | C. Ringer & Co. 1910 Calcutta |
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Sankaran P. | Analysis and Evaluation of Symptoms | The Homoeopatic Medical Publishers 1963 Bombay |
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Sankaran P. | Some Notes on the Nosodes | The Homoeopathic Medical Publishers 1967 Bombay |
Sankaran P. | Some Recent Research and Advances in Homoeopathy | The Homoeopatic Medical Publishers 1966 Bombay |
Sankaran P. | The Clinical Relationship of Homoeopathic Remedies | The Homoeopathic Medical Publishers fourth edition 1967 Bombay |
Sankaran P. | The Importance of Aetiology in Homoeopathy | The Homoeopatic Medical Publishers 1967 Bombay |
Sankaran P. | The Potency Problem | The Homoeopatic Medical Publishers 1966 Bombay |
Sankaran P. | The Studiy of the Materia Medica | The Homoeopatic Medical Publishers 1963 Bombay |
Sankaran P. | The Value of the Repertory | The Homoeopathic Medical Publishers 1965 Bombay |
Sankaran P. | "When the indicated Remedy fails...." | The Homoeopatic Medical Publishers 1967 Bombay |
Sankaran P. | Some Hints on Case Taking | The Homoeopatic Medical Publishers 1963 Bombay |
Santee, E. M. | A Repertory of Convulsions | H. Hitchcock 1890 New York handschriftliche Notizen von P. Schmidt ? |
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Sarkar A. K. | Diabetes Mellitus | Thaker Printery Jamnagar |
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Sarkar B. K. | Up-To-Date with Nosodes | Roy PUblishing House 1966 Calcutta |
Sarkar B. K. | Essentials of Homoeopatic Philosopy and the Place of Repertory in Homoeopathic Practice | Roy Publishing House 1961 Calcutta |
Sauer Hugo | Der Wirkungsbereich Homöopathischer Arzneien | Hippokrates-Verlag 1929 Stuttgart |
Sauer Hugo | èber Nierenerkrankungen | Hippokrates-Verlag 1929 Stuttgart |
Schädler Emil | Die Homöopathie und ihre Feinde | J. Heuberger's Verlag 1869 Bern |
Schaefer J. C. | New Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine | Boericke & Tafel 1894 Philadelphia |
Scharff Wilhelm | Charakteristik der wichtigsten homöopathischen Mittel | Arwed Strauch 1901 Leipzig |
Schier J. | Vergiftungen und deren Behandlung | Homöopathischer Centralverlag 1912 Berlin |
Schier Josef | Biologische Erfahrungsheillehre | Hippokrates-Verlag 1936 Stuttgart |
Schier Josef | Die Kinderkrankheiten | Hippokrates-Verlag 1937 Stuttgart |
Schier J. senior | Die Grundlagen der Homöopathie | L. Wilckens 1925 Mainz |
Schilsky Benno | Homöopathiefibel für Ärzte | Karl F. Haug Verlag 1952 Saulgau |
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Schlegel E. | Aerztliche Philosophie |
Schlegel E. | Das Heilproblem | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 2. Auflage 1922 Leipzig |
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Schlegel E. | Die Krebskrankheit | Verlag der "Ärztlichen Rundschau" 1908 Münschen |
Schlegel E. | Die Pest | Kommissionsverlag der Buchhandlung Kloeres 1919 Tübingen |
Schlegel E. | Ergänzungsblätter des Wegweiser zur Gesundheit | Schmäling & Ohlbrock 1896 Gütersloh |
Schlegel E. | Fiktionen in der Medizin |
Schlegel E. | Fortschritte der Homöopathie in Lehre und Praxis | Johannes Sonntag 1928 Regensburg 3 mal Hardcover, 1 x Softcover |
Schlegel E. | Gehäuftes Vorkommen der Tollwut in Deutschland |
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Schlegel Emil | Heilkunst als Weltmitte | Kairos Verlag 1931 Karlsruhe |
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Schlegel Emil | Paracelsus als Prophet | Verlag der Buchhandlung Kloeres 1915 Tübingen |
Schlegel Emil | Religion der Arznei... Signaturenlehre als Wissenschaft | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1922 Leipzig |
Schlegel Emil | Samuel Hahnemanns Ordnung der Heilkunde | Johannes Sonntag 1925 Regensburg |
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Schlegel Oswald | 4. Bericht zur Krebsbehandlung nach Dr. Nebel |
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Schmidt Otto | Eine Aufklärung und ein Leitfaden zur Behandlung der Malignen Tumoren | Werbedruckerei Janich & Co. 2. Auflage 1925 München |
Schmidt/Pahud/Everitt/Bhattacharjee | Fifty Millesimal Potencies | Hahnemann Publishing Co Calcutta |
Schmidt Pierre & Chand Diwan Harish | Kent's Final General Repertory | National Homoeopathic Pharmacy (revised, corrected, augmented & edited ) New Dehli |
Schoeler Heinz | Das Hochpotenzproblem in der Homöopathie | Karl F. Haug Verlag 1951 Saugau |
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Schoeler Heinz | Kompendium der wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Homöopathie | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1940 Leipzig Fortsetzungsband zu: Clotar Müller, Charakteristik der wichtigsten homöopathischen Heilmittel |
Schotte André | XIV Traitement de l'entorse, du furoncle et d'affections associeées par la scopolamine lévogyre | Les Laboratoires Homoeopathiques de France 1948 Asnières La Documentation Homoeopathique |
Schuessler | An Abridged Therapy Manual for the Biochemical Treatment of Disease | Boericke & Tafel twenty-fifth Edition, in Part Rewirtten, third american Edition 1931 Philadelphia |
Schuessler | A pocket Guide to the use of Cell Salts | Boericke & Tafel |
Schulz Hugo | Die Medizin der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellung | Verlag von Felix Meiner Leipzig |
Schulz Hugo | Similia similibus curantur | Verlag der Aerztlichen Rundschau 1920 München |
Schulz Hugo | Vorlesungen über Wirkung und Anwendung der unorganischen Arzneistoffe/Vorlesungen über Wirkung und Anwendung der deutschen Arzneipflanzen | Georg Thieme Leipzig |
Schüssler | Der Einfluss der Umgebung auf die Entwickelung der Menschen und Tiere | Schulzesche Hof-Buchhandlung Oldenburg und Leipzig |
Schwabe Willmar | Grosser illustrierter Haustierarzt | Dr. Willmar Schwabe vierte, verbesserte Auflage 1926 Leipzig |
Schwabe Willmar | Kleines Vademecum |
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Schwabe Willmar | Kleines Vademecum |
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Scudery L. | Observations Pratiques sur l'Homoeopathie | Baillère 1837 Paris |
Seal S. | Research in Homoeopathy | I. N. A. Press Calcutta |
Seal S. | Research in Homoeopathy in India | I. N. A. Press Calcutta |
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Sellden Hj. | Den vetenskapliga sanningen om den homöopatiska läkekonsten och havad den duger till i praktiken |
Sengupta S. N. | The Science and Philosophy of Homoeopathy | Sengupta 1931 Calcutta |
Serrand René | Petit Guide Homoeopathique | Pharmacie Homoepathie de Georges WEBER Paris mit handschriftlichen Notizen, Rezepte |
Sharp William | A Letter to Sir Benjamin C. Brodie | Henry Turner second edition London |
Sharp William | In What Way is the Action of Drugs to be Discovered; | Henry Turner 1873 London |
Sharp William | The Actions of one Dose; Essay XXXII | Henry Turner 1877 London |
Shepherd Dorothy | A Physician's Posy | Health Science Press 1951 Bognor Regis |
Shepherd Dorothy | Homoeopathy for The First-Aider | Homoeopathic Publishing Co. 1945 London |
Shepherd Dorothy | More Magic of the Minimum Dose | The Homoeopathic Publishing Company London |
Sherman Lewis | Therapeutics and Materia Medica | Milwaukee third edition 1887 Wisconsin intended mainly for non-professional Persons |
Shuldham E. B. | Chronic Sore Throat | E. Gould & Son second edition 1881 London |
Shuldham E. B. | Coughs and Their Cure | The Homoeopathic Publishing Co. 1878 London |
Shuldham E. B. | Health of the Skin | Hahnemann Publishing House American edition 1890 Philadelphia |
Shuldham E. B. | Stammering | Homoeopathic Publishing Company London |
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Sieffert G. | Formulaire de Thérapeutique Positive | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1899 Leibzig |
Sieffert G. | Médecine Homoeopathique d'Urgence | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1900 Leibzig |
Simmons B. | Cough Repertory | Thompson & Capper 1870 Liverpool |
Simon Léon | Le Choléra épidémique, son traitement Préservatif et curatif | J. - B. Baillière et fils 1885 Paris |
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Simon Léon | Traitement Homoeopathique des Maladies Propres a l'Afrique Intertropicale | Edition Crété Corbeil |
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Simon Léon V. | Le Lupus et son Traitement | J.- B. Baillière et fils 1892 Paris |
Simpson James Y. | Homoeopathy: Its Tenets and Tendencies | Sutherland and Knox Edinburgh |
Sircar Mahendra Lal | Therapeutics of Plague | Anglo-Sanskrit Press fourth edition (Amrita Lal Sircar ) 1913 Calcutta |
Sircar Mehendra Lal | A Sketch of the Treatment of Cholera | Anglo-Sanskrit Press second edition 1904 Calcutta |
Skinner Thomas | Homoeopathy and Gynecology | The Homoeopathic PUblishing Company third edition, enlarged 1886 London |
Skinner Thomas | Homoeopathy in its Relation to the Diseases of Women | Boericke & Tafel 1879 New York |
Small, A. E. | A Treatise on the Decline of Manhood | Duncan Brothers second edition, revised 1881 Chicago |
Small, A. E. | Diseases of the Nervous System | Rademacher & Sheek 1856 Philadelphia added: Toothaker: Diseases of the Skin |
Small, A. E. | Manual of Homoeopathic Practice | Boericke & Tafel sixteenth edition Philadelphia |
Smith, A. D. | Homoeopathy | Ehrhart & Karl third edition Chicago |
Smith, Dean T. | Before and after Surgical Operation | Boericke & Tafel 1906 Philadelphia |
Soares de Meirelles Alberto | A doenca de bouillaud |
1951 Rio de Janeiro |
Sorge W. | Die Homöopathie | Fr. Aug. Eupel 1864 Sondershausen 1 x Hard-, 1 x Softcover |
Sorge Wilhelm G. | Der Phosphor ein grosses Heilmittel | Verlag von Otto Purfürst 1862 Leipzig |
Southwick G. R. | A Practical Manual of Gynecology | Otis Clapp and Son 1891 Boston |
Sperling | Die Brücke zur Homöopathie | Dr. Willmar Schwabe 1927 Leipzig |
Sperling Arthur | Die homöopathische Arzneimittel-Lehre | Max Merlin 1894 Wien |
Stauffer | Homöopathisches Taschenbuch | Dr. Madaus & Co. 1926 Radeburg mit maschinengenschriebenem Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Stauffer Karl | Homöotherapie | Johannes Sonntag fünfte Auflage, Neubearbeitung von Walther Zimmermann 1965 Regensburg |
Stauffer Karl | Klinische Homöopathische Arzneimittellehre | Johannes Sonntag 1926 Regensburg viele, lose, handschriftliche Notizen zu Mitteln |
Stauffer Karl | Symptomen-Verzeichnis | Johannes Sonntag 1929 Regensburg |
Stauffer Karl † | Homöotherapie | Hippokrates Verlag vierte Auflage; bearbeitet von Franz Miller 1950 Stuttgart |
Stearns, Guy B. | Keynotes for Homoeopathic Remedies in Surgery |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Body-Reflexes as a means of selecting a Remedy |
reprint from Homoeopathic Recorder 1932 |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Case Taking |
reprinted from The Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy for July 1921 |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Classification of Remedies |
reprinted from the Homoeopathic Recorder September 1929 |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Experimental Data on One of the Fundamental Claims in Homoeopathy |
reprinted from the May 1925 Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Homoeopathic Reserarch | Emerson Bros. 1926 Ansonia |
Stearns Guy Beckley | One of our Reasons for Existence |
reprinted from The Bulletin of the Flower Hospital, July 1921 |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Physics of High Dilutions |
reprint from Homoeopathic Recorder June 15, 1931 |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Research in Potentised Remedies |
reprint from Homoeopathic Recorder 1928 |
Stearns Guy Beckley | The Working Tools of Homeopathy |
reprinted from the 1924 Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Treatment of Influenza |
(New York Homeopathic Medical College
) |
Stearns Guy Beckley | Treatment of Influenza |
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Stearns, Guy Beckley and Edgar C. Evia | A new Synthesis | Foundation for Homeopathic Reserarch 1942 |
Stearns Guy Beckley und Mary B. Stark | Experiments with homoeopathic Potentised substances given to Drosophila Melanogaster With Hereditary Tumors |
reprinted from The Homoeopathic Recorder, Philadelphia, 1925 |
Steenmeijer Joh. F. / Bakker Gerard | Homoeopathie in de Geneeskunst/ de Wetmatigheid in de Homoeopathie | Dr. Willmar Schwabe |
Stens Wilh. | Die Homöopathie | Fr. Aug. Eupel 1863 Sondershausen |
Stephenson James | A Materia Medica and Repertory | Bombay Chronicle Press 1963 Bombay Geschenk von Roger A. Schmidt, Reihe Hahnemannian Provings 1924 - 1959 |
Stephenson James | A Materia Medica and Repertory | Roy & Company Bombay |
Stephenson James | A Materia Medica and Repertory | Roy & Company 1963 Bombay Reihe Hahnemannian Provings 1924 - 1959 |
Stephenson James | Homeopathic Pharmacognosy, Pharmacy and Pharmacodynamics |
Stephenson James | Homeopathic Pharmacotherapy |
Stephenson James | Homeopathic Philosophy |
Stephenson James | Homeopathic Research |
Stiegele A. | Zur Kritik der Homöopathie |
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Störck Antoine de | études de Thérapeutique Expérimentale | J.-B. Baillière et fils 1887 Paris |
Suriol Aniceto | La dinamizacion homeopatica en relacion con la concepcion moderna de la arquitectura del atomo |
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Sutherland John P. | Address at the Opening of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Session of Boston Univerity School of Medicine |
Sutherland John P. | Address Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society |
reprinted from the New England Medical Gazette |
Sutherland John P. | Address delivered before the American Institute of Homoeopathy |
sixtieth annual session 1904 |
Sutherland John P. | A Few Thoughts on Vitamins |
reprinted from the Jounal of the American Institue of Homeopathy November 1921 |
Sutherland John P. | A Plea for the Laboratory Teaching of Pharmacology |
reprinted from Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1919 |
Sutherland John P. | Arterio-Sclerosis: What can we do about it? |
read before the Massachusetts Homeopathic Medical Society, October 1911 |
Sutherland John P. | A Twenty-Eight Years Experiment with a Meatless Diet |
reprinted from Good Health Magazine |
Sutherland John P. | Diet from the Stand-Point of Religion |
reprinted from The New-Church Review of January 1926 |
Sutherland John P. | Does Critical Analysis of Drug-Provings by the Chart Method Mean Too Much Elimination? |
reprinted from The New England Medical Gezette, 1897 |
Sutherland John P. | Dynamization or Dematerialization |
reprint from The New-England Medical Gazette |
Sutherland John P. | Educational and Legislative Problems |
reprinted from North American Journal of Homoeopathy |
Sutherland John P. | Hahnemann's Homoeopathy |
reprinted from the New England Medical Gazette, 1916 |
Sutherland John P. | Homeopathy in Our Medical Schools of To-Day |
reprint from Progress |
Sutherland John P. | Homoeopathy . What it is and What it has done For Humanity. |
reprinted from the New England Medical Gazette, read June 1907 |
Sutherland John P. | How Much should I Weigh? |
reprint from Good Health Magazine April 1926 |
Sutherland John P. | How to Secure and Retain Health and Happiness |
reprinted from the New England Medical Gazette, September 1914 |
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