Fondation Pierre Schmidt
On October 15, 1987, Dr. Pierre Schmidt died in Tence (Haute-Loire, France) at the age of 94. During his lifetime, he had tirelessly devoted himself to restoring homoeopathy to its original formulation, and to promoting its internationally teaching. Before his death he decided that his activity would be continued through a foundation, to which he donated most of his wealth. Dr. Schmidt's will gave Dr. Jost Künzli and Dr. "René Casez the mission of realizing his last wish. After his death numerous administrative difficulties arose, difficulties that would have led the most tenacious to abandon the cause, but Dr. René Casez finally succeded, after seven years of work, in creating the foundation. On May 1st 1994, the first meeting of the HOMOEOPATHIC FOUNDATION PIERRE SCHMIDT Council took place in Lausanne. Its purpose was to set up the precise organizational structure and objectives of the Foundation.
According to the express wish of the founder, this Foundation-will have two missions. The first mission will be to grant access to the library of Pierre Schmidt. This collection counts about 3000 volumes on homoeopathic medicine, with theoretical treaties, materia medica, and important collections of homoeopathic revues, most of them in French or in English. The collection is presently located with a former scholar of Dr. Künzli: Dr. Hansjörg Hee, Waldgutstrasse 7, CH - 9010 St. Gallen, Switzerland. It may be consulted on demand, by any doctor.
The second mission will be the annual attribution of a grant. A Swiss and a French medical doctor will receive the grant alternatively upon submission of an application detailing an original project in one of the following fields in homoeopathy:
- the diffusion of homoeopathy
- foundamental research
- clinical experimentation
- evaluation of new applications of homoeopathic doctrine
- original bibliographic work
This grant will be attributed to a medical doctor with classical homoeopathy teaching sponsored by a professional active in the area of homoeopathy, and presenting a project on one of the above items. The amount of the grant will be decided, each year by the Foundation Council, who will evaluate the projects and decide upon the attribution of the grant. For the first year, it may amount to up to 10000 Swiss Frs. A research report will be required upon completion of the research. The Foundation reserves the right freely to dispose of this report for diffusion or publication.